Disco Ball Sunday Offer £10

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Welcome to getting expansive

You are signing up for the very limited offer of £10 for the course (full price is £297!)

Please note that this is a very limited Disco Ball Sunday offer, valid until midnight Thursday 30 November 2023.

Please make sure you have read the Terms & Conditions of purchase


How others have enjoyed the course

Love the EES! Doing the magical morning sessions beforehand works so well as it gives you an idea of the structure (and I’m all signed up to join you for those again to get back into the swing of it as they really do get your day started in the best way!) and are a great extension. Love that they’re all pre-recorded as it allows you to slot it into your life when it works for you, especially loved the audio recordings and have listened to those on numerous occasions (the ‘Reducing Anxious Feelings’ and the ‘Quiet Thunder activating your inner storm’) and continue to dip in and out of the other resources as I find doing different sessions at different times of the month/year/day result in a different outcome and perspective each time! I found it more difficult to continue to do the sessions before work when they weren’t live, but found I really enjoyed completing sessions after work or before bed and they left me feeling calm and accomplished and helped put a positive spin on a day which hadn’t felt like much has been achieved.


Working with the Expansive Empowerment Sessions have been so refreshing. The one thing I love about it, is the content is always there when you need it. There’s no strict timing to attend sessions, I use the content on there either first thing before I’m starting work or during my lunch when you need that little boost through the day! My favourite has to be all of the soundcloud sessions. I really enjoy podcasts and although the video content is great, I love listening to the audios from Kate. Oh, and Magical Mornings are amaaaaazing to start your day!


What I love the most about the Expansive Empowerment sessions is the variety of content. Whatever my mindset there will be something I can use, whether it be the affirmations or a power session to focus on an issue in my life or work. Because so much of it is either via video or audio, it feels personal and like Kate is in the room! The Power Sessions stand out for me particularly. They are exactly what they say on the tin! I've had some big realisations and shifts through listening to these and love that I can revisit them as and when needed.