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Get clarity for the next steps of your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL life without the hustle or overwhelm.

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You may be stuck in the monotony of everyday life, giving all your time and energy away, yearning for something more but not quite sure how to take the steps to change things up.


What would you do if things got to be different to how they are now?


How would it feel to clear the mind-soup to get unstuck & unleash what's waiting for you in your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL life?


Right now, you're navigating through the daily grind, feeling the weight of monotony and secretly craving a life that's undeniably bold, beautiful and uniquely yours.

You know there's more to life, yet you find yourself stuck in the routines, living life for everyone else around you, daydreaming with a mind full of possibilities, with endless questions about how you might to turn those dreams into reality.

You know there’s more for you, yet you wish that someone else could pick up the pieces and make them all make sense. 

Oh, and if they could just pick up the other 100 million things you seem to have going on right now, that would be great, because, frankly, you’re knackered just thinking about them!

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I understand the frustration of a life that feels like it's on autopilot and the desire to break free from the invisible chains holding you back.

And the drama you're making up in your head about what might happen if you make some changes that are just for you can turn into legendary epics!

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You need a roadmap, a guiding light and the right kind of support to help you put an end to the overwhelm and procrastination that’s holding you back.

And if you could just have a break from the constant guilt train you feel, that would be great too, yeah?

That's precisely what the Unstuck & Unleashed Masterclass is here to do!

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Inside the Masterclass

In this masterclass, we'll dive deep into the very fabric of what's keeping you stuck and unleash the unstoppable force within you.


Here's a sneak peek into what you'll experience

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Identifying Your Sticking Points
Understand the specific challenges holding you back and gain clarity on how to overcome them.

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Learn the mindset shifts that can transform your life, setting soulful goals, gaining focus and cultivating unwavering self-belief.

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Unpacking Limiting Beliefs
Break free from the mental and emotional barriers by uncovering and challenging your limiting beliefs.

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Crafting Your Bold Vision
The process you need to envision and set goals for your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL life.

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By the end of this masterclass, you'll not only have the tools to break free from your current state but also a clear roadmap to kickstart your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life.

You'll join a community of dreamers turned doers, each supporting and uplifting the other towards unstoppable success.

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This training is a must-attend for you if you're...

  • Ready to Break Free: You're ready to break free from the shackles of stagnation, kick aside overwhelm, and step boldly into a life of purpose and passion.

  • Seeking Clarity and Focus: You desire clarity in your goals and a renewed sense of focus, this training is designed to guide you through the process, helping you align with your true purpose and set soulful, achievable goals.

  • Craving Unstoppable Confidence:  You're craving a boost in confidence, a mindset shift that empowers you to be fully seen and fully you. This training will equip you with the tools to celebrate every aspect of your life unapologetically.










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Embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and the realisation of your most daring dreams.

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I'm Kate, and if you're tired of the ordinary and craving a life that's as BOLD and BEAUTIFUL as a disco ball in the party of your life, then you're in the right place.

Lover of disco balls, a bright red lip and more leopard print than is necessary, I’m not your average coach. 

My clients call me the Human Dream Catcher due to my mission to help them live a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life. I'm here to help you light up the re in your heart and your belly, take up space.

I call this transformative work, Practical Magic, as this is where we blend strategy with spirituality and find the sweet spot where measured action meets a connection to something bigger than us and that's where true magic happens.

Becoming UNSTUCK and UNLEASHED has helped me to create a life and business  that helps disco ball hearted humans like you bring your BIGGEST, BOLDEST, and most BEAUTIFUL dreams to life. I've mentored and coached others to expand their work, life and businesses and even birthed the world's first and best-selling life coach in a box – the Practical Magic Activation Deck.

From authoring "BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL: The Soul-Seekers Guide to Living an Empowered Purpose-Driven Life" to speaking on global stages from Bestival to Bloomberg, my journey has been filled with highs and the satisfaction of helping others soar.

But what matters most to me is YOU. You and I are no different. I want you to know that you have the power to make a call on your life now that will shape what's next.

So, let's break free from the ordinary and unleash the extraordinary together.

Your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life is waiting, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Are you ready to make the call? Let's get UNSTUCK & UNLEASHED.

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Save your seat to the


live training

Taking place on Tuesday 27 February 2024 GMT

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