in a world that cannot offer certainty, it’s time to create some of your own. create the vibrant, powerful change you've been imagining for years...in just seven weeks.

It’s time to shake things up for 2025 (and beyond)
It's time to invite your life out onto the dance floor and rock it into BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL action.
If the last four years has shown you anything it's that things can change in the blink of an eye. I truly believe that there has never been a better time than NOW for YOU to take the next BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL step into the kind of year where you live your life and create impactful work that is driven by passion, purpose and positive change.
It's time to ditch the distractions, get focussed and KICKSTART your dreams and ambitions that have spent far too long sitting on the shelf gathering dust!
By this point in your life, you thought things would be...different.
The last few years have been a lot, but now the energy is shifting it's time to commit to making some real changes toward the life you’ve always wanted.
👉 You’ve been struggling to see where, and how, to get started!!
👉 You’re inherently creative and have a million ideas, yet that excited feeling in your tummy easily gives way to overwhelm...and procrastination takes over.
👉 You’re starting to doubt your ability to have the life you want...after all, if it hasn’t happened by now, maybe it never will?
👉 It's becoming glaringly obvious that time is slipping away from you. There's much you want to do, but little idea of how to actually make it happen
👉 You want more money, more freedom, a better way of living, and a lifestyle that feels like the OPPOSITE of the self-doubt you’re swimming in right now...
Well it’s time... And I'm here to help you change that.
This is your call to rise.
Put a hand on your BIG heart and take a deep breath.
It’s time to take a BOLD step into being all that you can be.
To reap the BEAUTIFUL rewards of your spirit and creativity.
It’s time for empowered, compassionate, supported action.
Seven weeks to unlocking unlimited potential
The last few years, as uncertain and as unexpected as they were, got to be an incredibly vibrant time for me, for my business, and for my clients in their lives, their careers and their businesses.
Finally able to ditch all distractions of running here, there and everywhere, I took the time to develop aligned offerings which created a positive impact for thousands of people throughout the world.
This was the call for me to step into BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL service, and for my clients to do the same.
Since undertaking this work, my clients have:
- Launched sell-out programmes, and earned more money than they invested in coaching with me… within one week!
- Taken their business from in-person and location-based, to online and worldwide
- Got visible through launching podcasts, starting new online communities and growing their social media presence
- Finally stepped away from soul-sucking 9-5s, and into their purpose-led, heart-centred work
- Unlocked the potential to earn more money than they did in a paid salary.
- Created a complete shift in energy, mindset, self belief and confidence to be able to take on any challenge.
- Dared to dream and play bigger than they ever thought possible.
All of this and more came from taking the leap to KICKSTARTING a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year.
Whether it’s your blah job you’ve been dreaming of quitting, the relationships that bring you down instead of building you up, the dreams left on the shelf… deep inside, you can feel that you’re done with what no longer serves you.
But what does it mean to step into BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL YOU?
Darling, it means to bring your full self and purpose into being.
It means to fully allow your power, your potency, your creative spark ⚡️

Imagine confidently walking into the rest of 2025 knowing that overwhelm, procrastination and self sabotage are a thing of the past.

What if, just seven weeks from now, you could say with confidence that you’ve finally put self-sabotage behind you?
- You create IMPACT in your work or your heart-centred business
- You live each day connected to your VISION and your MISSION for making the world a better place
- You bring your IDEAS to life in a way that reflects the essence of who you are, finally becoming the BOLD you who MAKES SHIZZLE HAPPEN
- You know without doubt how to create the kind of freedom, abundance, flow and WEALTH in your FINANCES that means you are no longer living with feast or famine
- You’ve permanently adopted a ROCKING MINDSET, POSITIVE SELF BELIEF & RESILIENCE so that you finally get out of your own way and get on with creating a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE.
Not only is all of this possible for you, it doesn’t have to take forever to achieve it and you can have loads of fun getting there!
A dynamic group coaching & mentoring programme to light up the possibility within all areas of your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life.
This seven week programme is designed to help you create your VISION, get CLARITY & FOCUS, rock your SELF BELIEF and CELEBRATE all you are.
Throughout our time together we will work through a proven framework, supported by a coaching toolkit, which will guide your journey to expansion.
This - alongside community, accountability and support - will help you to unlock the potential you have to bring some serious shifts in your life, creativity, self, business, finances, relationships, and career… you name it!
Here, you will learn a model of self and soul development that will not only fire up your motivation to take action, but create serious transformation in your PURPOSE, PERSONAL POWER, MINDSET & CONFIDENCE.
No more playing small.
The energy of a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE is about purpose with potency and powerful, positive change
Kickstart your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE is everything you need to:
⚡️ Pick up your self esteem off the floor and learn how to stop self sabotage any time it shows up
⚡️ Recognise where you’re allowing circumstances to limit you and take passionate responsibility for creating a life of purpose
⚡️ Quiet down that inner mean girl and begin living a life that’s truly led by the creative vision that lights you up
⚡️ Take those million ideas running around your brain and transform them into meaningful action plans
I’M READY FOR A BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE >It's time to remember who you are, and relight that fire within you.


Opening circlE & intention setting
We begin with an energetic stock check of the previous 12 months and anything which has come before, so you can…
- Work with expansive energy to align your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL goals with a supportive inner landscape & community
- Review and reflect to get clear on what you do want for the year ahead & beyond
- Say any necessary goodbyes and finally release what’s no longer working for you
This is where we will plug in the destination of the next 12 months into the sat nav, and get clear on what you want in your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE
- Create an intentional vision map for your year ahead based on the key priorities areas
- Match vision to your values to ensure you are leaning your ladder against the right wall
- Design a wholly-aligned plan for what you will be manifesting in the next 12 months and beyond
- Create an anchored & embodied sensory experience to energetically imprint your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL vision map which gives your subconscious mind instruction to make it happen.

WEEK three
finding focus
Now you can remove complications & overwhelm by keeping momentum and action simple & enjoyable.
- Learn about the 1° shifts and how to break your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL vision map into actionable & achievable steps
- With support & accountability - and most importantly, a plan - take the vision board off the wall and bring it into practical & pragmatic action
- Create continuous momentum with your weekly BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL action plan
- Adopt a simple philosophy that will help you ease overwhelm & increase productivity.
week four
moving beyond resistance
BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL changes move you out of your comfort zone. Gaining awareness of how to glow with growth as you stay committed to your soul goals will enable you to move beyond fear & into freedom.
- What your fear & ego are really trying to tell you, and how to avoid being blind-sided by them
- The practice of moving beyond fear of failure to create resilience & stay in action mode
- How to maintain expansive energy & focus when all you want to do is curl up under the duvet & give it all up.

week five
creating alchemy & elevating energy
The sure-fire way to bring long-lasting and inevitable positive change for your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE is to embody your expansion.
- Aligning head, heart & gut intelligence to bring all of your vision into being
- The somatic & sensory experience which will dial up your expansion levels to 11
- The power of movement & embodiment to shift towards vibrational match in your body & your energy
- The vagus nerve connection that will create the instruction manual for bringing your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL vision to life.
week six
your self empowerment toolkit
Bringing your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL VISION to life needs rocking self belief. Here, you will fire up & empower your confidence to support measured and sustainable action.
- Develop a self-empowerment toolkit with techniques that support your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL VISION
- Re-programme subconscious patterns which hold you back from truly stepping up & in
- Re-wire limiting beliefs and outdated narratives, habits and behaviours which have blocked your progress for years
- Understand how to use your toolkit to stay motivated and inspired way beyond the end of the Programme.

week seven
harnessing the power of celebration
Without celebration there’s just hustle and hard work. At the climax of the programme you will…
- Understand the importance of celebrating your progress in creating positive energy & vibrational shift
- Learn how to celebrate each time you take action on your steps towards your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE
- Make time for gratitude & joyful celebration as fundamental elements of your empowered plan.
On top of all of that, you'll also have access to inspired teachings from my BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL buddies...
let's dive into the BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL masterclasses

Karmic Mission & Purpose with Matt Taylor
Karmic astrologer Matt Taylor helps you to understand your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL karma to align your goals to your soul purpose and clear anything that isn’t serving you.
£350 value
The Carousel with Sarah Weiler
Ever feel like your multi passionate nature is just a confusing curse? Sarah, the Lead FaSILLYtator and multipotentialite, helps you to learn to love what’s on your Carousel with presence, focus and attention.
£350 value

Foundational Joy with Tamu Thomas
Founder of Live Three Sixty, a somatic coach, writer, speaker and podcaster, Tamu shares how to live from foundational joy. Learn to befriend yourself and develop an identity beyond what you do.
£350 value
You Are Enough with Harri Rose
As an unapologetic body coach and co-creator of the Anti-Diet Riot Club, Harri Rose is on a mission to help us all understand that we are enough exactly as we are.
£350 value

Self Celebration with Sarah Powell
Sarah teaches you about accepting, encouraging and empowering yourself in the moment through Self Celebration, enabling you to celebrate who you are anytime, any place and for any reason.
£350 value
what's in the programme?

A deeply guided session for expansive energy, vision & values mapping that will plug your destination firmly into the sat nav.
value £1,500

BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Masterclasses
Five masterclasses available to you at your own pace to expand your knowledge and self awareness throughout the Programme.
value £1,750

Weekly coaching spotlight Q&A
Bring questions to our live coaching calls where we will meet, brainstorm, review progress, provide accountability and support for your action and motivation.
value £2,500

Practical Magic® Activation Sessions
You’ll be guided through creative visualisation audio sessions designed for empowered and embodied subconscious transformation.
value £500

Magical Monday Mindset Audios
Power and motivation delivered to your inbox and your ears at the start of each week of the Programme.
value £250

BIG, BOLD BEAUTIFUL Facebook Community
A private Facebook group where you will be hanging out with your energetic running buddies for accountability support, discussion and cheerleading every step of the way.
value priceless
Total value £6,500
Get all this BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL magic for a special launch offer of £1,333 (or £1,111 if you pay in full)*
(only 5 spots available)
I created this Programme to give you everything you need to bring your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL vision to life. But some of us desire one-to-one support — and if that’s you, the VIP option is here to supplement the amazing work you’re doing with loads of direct access to me.
This will include all of the above PLUS
⚡️ Unlimited Voxer access (like having me on walkie talkie in your back pocket)
⚡️ Three x one-hour one-to-one coaching & empowerment sessions (value £1500)
⚡️ One-hour one-to-one Solar Return Astrology or Karmic Soul Purpose session with Karmic Alchemist Matt Taylor (value £111)
⚡️ Champagne closing circle and mastermind in London or Brighton (value £300)
Total value £8,411
A special launch offer of £3,600 (or £3,333 if you pay in full)*

"Tapping into my own purpose and unique talents."
“Working with Kate came at a time when my self confidence and self worth were suffering, and looking back, that was affecting me more than I realised at the time. The programme helped me to untangle myself from the company I worked for for years and tap into my own purpose and unique talents. It helped me cope with the rejection of redundancy by gently supporting my journey of grieving my old career and compassionately held my hand whilst I pieced together my new life."
Kitty Hargreaves, founder Cuppa Kindness
"You have brought me out of the haze"
You know when you feel like you have been walking through life and everything has been a bit misty, you have had some great times with some great people but you realise you haven't quite felt the heat of the sun for a while, everything was in a bit of a haze. Kate you have been my mahoosive ray of sunshine, I have felt your warmth and it has warmed through to my bones and my soul. You have brought me out of the haze, I haven't felt this shiny for a long while.

You’re protected with our 100% risk-free money back guarantee

I believe in the incredible transformation of the content and the container within the KICKSTART Your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE Programme. And I'm also committed to getting the best results for you. I attract high quality, committed clients who sign up because they are ready to do the work, to be open-minded to journey, the results, the research and the positive impact on their life.
To show you how much I believe in this - and you - I include a full money back guarantee, so that when you enrol you have the added security of knowing that if you feel, after the course, that this course has not delivered for you, then you can get a 100% money back, no quibbles, no questions.
To make this fair to everyone signing up to the Programme the terms and conditions clearly set out that this guarantee is only applicable if you personally have showed up, completed 100% of the programme and attended 90% of the live calls.
If you meet this level of commitment on your part, then my money-back guarantee gives you peace of mind that you will be entitled to a refund if you are not fully satisfied by the end of the programme.
About your host
Hey there beauty, I’m Kate Taylor, and I’m on a mission to help you light up the fire in your heart and your belly to live a life that makes a difference not just to your world but to the world.
My clients call me the human dream catcher because when you create a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL vision for your future, I help you create it in the NOW
Working with me you get access to the blended melting pot of goodness as a life design & empowerment coach, creative business coach & mentor, Master NLP Practitioner and Qoya teacher. You also get 20 years of marketing stripes working with some of the biggest brands, and the last 10 years as a wellbeing and business entrepreneur
Having spent last 10+ years on a voyage of discovery to master my mindset and challenge my comfort zones, I’ve activated mind, body and soul to expand beyond limitations. This calling is how I help women like you remove the shackles of self doubt and limiting beliefs so that you can step up and into a truly satisfying and fulfilled life.
This work is called Practical Magic, because I blend the strategy with the spiritual.
This alchemy of measured action combined with a connection to something greater than us, is where the truly magic happens.
I’ve created this Programme because NOW is the time to take the vision board off the wall and KICKSTART 2025 into BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL being. I truly believe that there has never been a better time that NOW for YOU to create life and work on your own terms.
I can't wait to spend this time with you.
Let's do this thing ⚡️


is this for you?
I'm bringing all the vibes and good stuff I share with my one-to-one clients to KICKSTART YOUR BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE, and I commit 1000% to your life.
This is about stepping up and into your life, and it requires the same level of commitment from you.
- You have a heart-centred business you dream of getting off the ground and you're are committed to finally making BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL changes that are going to positively impact you & others
- You are ready to stop bloody procrastinating and turn some of those million ideas into meaningful action, even if you don’t have a clue how you’re going to do it... yet!
- You want to progress & thrive in a career you love, or to create expansion in your business, your money, your relationships...all of it!
- You want to create more juicy opportunities, more flexibility and a balanced life...the holy grail.
- You need judgement-free space to explore your wildest dreams & desires with like-minded souls, even if you’re worried about what’s going to happen if you get everything you wish for.

"Where the magic expands"
I've reconnected with myself at a deeper level, which is where the magic happens to expand. It has been a wonderful space of growth and support.
At the start I felt I was lacking direction and overwhelmed, trying to be and do all the things. Now I have clarity on my mission and purpose and the ability to work with goals/break things down into steps and know that this is all a process and doesn't have to happen overnight.”
Lisa Shefchick, Mothers Wellbeing Coach
"I got out of my own way"
“I’ve absolutely loved this programme. I joined BBB as I wanted to set up a new business but was totally lost and kept getting stuck in a negative loop of overwhelm, fear was holding me back! The programme helped me discover my vision, get really clear on my goals and taught me how to get out of my own way.
I’ve honestly gained so much from this programme for both my business and also personally. I’m feeling far more confident, over the fear and finally found the courage to launch my business venture. It’s been such an incredible journey!”

There has never been a better time to create your own certainty with empowered action driven from the inside out.
the time is now!
One thing I know beyond all else is that you are so worth the BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life you are creating.
This is more than simply a coaching programme...
This is where you finally get to the heart of what you desire and wish to create for your life.
This is what it truly gets to feel like when you are embodying your soul and living it into being so that every part of you knows that what you want is finally happening.
This is you taking supported, measured action to create the impact and transformation that is going to start an energetic ripple effect that touches the world.
This is you showing up for your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life.
You deserve it all, and I am so honoured to help you to make that happen.
"Creating a life truly worth living."
“Kate is so encouraging and loving. She helped me start to peel away the layers and really focus on where I wanted to be and what I wanted to be doing to live my BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life and gave me the accountability to get there. She focused not only on my business, but my whole life and how I could create a life truly worth living!"
Debbie Clarke, founder Debbie Doodah
"Working with Kate has been life-changing"
I have learnt so much about myself and feel like I've finally got this whole thing about self love and that it is possible - that feeling is priceless. For those that like a set a of deliverables I have gained: clarity on my values and what I speak to, a level of self-awareness and self-love I didn't think possible, a host of tools to support me day to day, introductions to other great people to broaden my thinking and help me further, a 360 view of my life and where to focus to create balance, the power of celebration and on top of all that a super special community of ladies who I never thought could become so close in such a short space of time - our connection will continue long past the end of the course.
Life is fricking precious darling one, and so is everything you have to offer.
NOW is your opportunity to finally create that BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE you’ve always wanted…
Your empowered action is a gift to all of us.
When does the Programme start, and when are the weekly live calls?
How much of a time commitment is the Programme?
Who is the KICKSTART Programme for?
Is this a coaching Programme or a course?
I'm not in the UK, will this work for me?
How long will I have access to the online materials?
How are you qualified to do this work? What are your professional accreditations?
I'm not 100% sure of what I want to work on, will the Programme still work for me?
What's included in the VIP option?
What do past clients say about the Programme, and working with you?
Ready to Kickstart?
ONLY 5 spots available
This will include all of the above PLUS
⚡️ Unlimited Voxer access (like having me on walkie talkie in your back pocket)
⚡️ Three x one-hour one-to-one coaching & empowerment sessions (value £1500)
⚡️ One-hour 1:1 Karmic Soul Purpose session with Karmic Alchemist Matt Taylor (value £111)
⚡️ Champagne closing circle and mastermind in London or Brighton (value £300)
Total value £8,411
Go VIP for a launch offer of £3,600 (or £3,333 if you pay in full)*