Learning to fly rather than fear the fall
Have you ever thought about those times when you feel so stuck on something? Like feeling like you're at a crossroads or ready to jump into something, but so afraid in case the net isn't there?
I meet so many people through my work who are on the edges of something…
The edge of a new project or career move.
The edge of something HUGE.
The edge of a life change.
The edge of a big decision.
Sometimes there are so many edges you fear one single move will cut you to a million shreds.
Fearing the fall off the edge more than the opportunity to fly.
It's easy to get stuck in fear, rather than embracing the freedom of flying.
It's not often we're taught to embrace opportunity above risk.
You find yourself not able to trust in the change you're making, or that you have what it takes to make it work, or the resources to make it happen.
When I find myself here, I either head to the Practical Magic cards to have a check in with my intuitive mentoring voice. I also call on the armoury in my extensive BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL toolkit.
When I need the big guns I work with a coach to help get me out of my own way.
But oftentimes, I use all of these resources together.
You see, the power of coaching helps you see beyond your own limits.
To lean into what you truly want and have someone hold the weight of it for you. They help you take what feels like a big old burden and help you take it apart so that you realise, it’s not that heavy after all, it's just made up of a lot of small parts that are so much easier to deal with.
They help you unravel the endless thought loops and help things make sense so that you can take action rather than getting lost in your own mind maze.
They help you get excited and motivated for what’s to come.
They walk beside you and help you connect to what’s really inside of you so that you can be guided by truth rather than the shit show disaster movie your ego-driven fear mind is conjuring up.
They celebrate who you fucking are and the steps you’re taking, reflecting the confidence in your growth.
Heart-led, intuitively guided coaching puts the BIG, BOLD and BEAUTIFUL Into that disco ball heart of yours and helps you learn to fly beyond those edges.
If you're reading this and thinking, ‘Hey, I want to be that person helping someone.’ Find out more about Practical Magic Coaching & Facilitation Training.
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